
Thursday, February 28, 2013

CFC [P.344]

Paschal Mystery: the saving work of Christ, especially his Passion, Death, Resurrection/Ascension (cf. SC 5; GS 22). Christians share in it through Baptism, the Eucharist, the other sacraments, and their life of grace.
Pentateuch: the first five books of the OT (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) called Torah by the Jews, and traditionally assigned to Moses as their author.
Petrine Office/Ministry: the special service for the guidance of the Church and its unity, exercised by St. Peter and his successors, the Bishops of Rome.
Predestination: God’s eternal fore-knowledge and will of our salvation. (Cf. Mt 20:23; Jn 10:29; Rom 8:28-30; Eph 1:3-14.) While safeguarding the primacy of God’s grace, both God’s universal salvific will (1 Tim 2:3-6) and authentic human freedom must be preserved.
Providence: God’s universal loving guidance and care for everything He has created, and particularly free human persons. (Cf. Mt 6:25-34; 10:29-31.)
Redemption: literally to “buy back,” “pay a ransom”: God’s action of saving us from sin and evil. In the OT God “redeemed” His people in the Exodus event (cf. Ex 15:1-21; Dt 7:8; 13:5; 24:18), and the return from the Exile (Is 41:14; 43:14). In the NT God redeemed all mankind through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Cf. Mk 10:45; Rom 4:25; Eph 1:7; 1 Pt 1:18-21.)
Resurrection: the core Christian truth that God has raised Jesus from the dead to his definitive glorified life (cf. Acts 2:24, 32-33, 36; Rom 1:3-4; 1 Cor 15:1-11, 42-50; DV 4, 17), and which is the ground for the resurrection of all human persons and their world. (Cf. 1 Cor 15:20-28.)
Revelation: “taking away the veil,” God making Himself known through words and deeds in salvation history. (Cf. DV 2, 4, 6-11.) The term refers  commonly to both who/what is made known, and the means of disclosure; it also refers to the last book of the NT.
Sacrilege: the deliberate violation and desecration of persons, events, places and things set aside publicly for the service/worship of God.
Sanctifying Grace: God’s freely bestowed gift by which we are made holy, through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Senses of Scripture: the different meanings of biblical texts. Traditionally, the term refers to 4 “senses”: literal, the meaning intended by the original

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