
Saturday, March 2, 2013

CFC [P.61 - 70]

Besides the material help thus offered, the deeper, more lasting contribution may well be in showing “good example” by putting the faith into practice. Such “good example” is especially effective when joined with reliable guidance and direction in essential Christian attitudes and responses to today’s challenges. The Catholic Church in the Philippines can rightfully claim to be especially blessed on both accounts.

C.   Unbelief vs. Trusting/Worshipping

191.     In this third area of faith — worship — one common attack comes from some contemporary psychologies which charge that religion is an illusion, an infantile projection of the lost father feature. They claim that we invent a father-god to provide security against our fears in this hostile world. Consequently they attack the ground for Christian Hope, thus leading some to discouragement and even despair. Others are tempted to presumption: either presuming on human capacities alone, or on divine mercy without repentance and conversion of heart (cf. CCC 2091-92).

192. PCP II presents an opposite form of unbelief relative to worship.
       In the Philippines worship has, unfortunately, been often separated from the totality of life. The liturgy is not seen as the source and apex of the Church’s life. Rather it is seen as one department of life, without an intimate connection with social, economic and political life (PCP II 167).
It is also true that too often certain popular pious practices and customs may appear more like superstition and self-centered, privatized attitudes than authentic Christian prayer.


193.     The way to respond to unbelief attacks against faith as worship is obviously “A Renewed Worship” (cf. PCP II 167-81). The Plenary Council prescribed one aspect of the needed remedy:

     There is an urgent need to stress to Filipino Catholics that the whole of life must be an act of worship, as St. Paul points out (cf. Rom 12:1). We cannot worship God in our churches and shrines, and then disregard Him in the daily business of life (PCP II 168).

194.     Renewing the worship of our people requires renewing their prayer life and popular religious practices. Regarding the latter, PCP II counsels that

our attitude has to be one of critical respect, encouragement and renewal. These practices must lead to the liturgy. They have to be vitally related to Filipino life, and serve the cause of full human development, justice, peace and the integrity of creation. We must have the courage to correct whatever leads to fanaticism or maintains people infantile in their faith.

Yet, it adds, “at the same time, seeing how many of our people cherish these religious practices, we must use them as vehicles of evangelization toward worship in Spirit and truth” (PCP II 175).
       Now the basis for renewing our prayer life and religious practices is surely the Church’s Trinitarian prayer.

195.     Trinitarian Prayer/Worship. “The function of the Church is to render God the Father and His Incarnate Son present and as it were visible, while ceaselessly renewing and purifying herself under the guidance of the Holy Spirit” (GS 21). It is the Catholic worship of Father, Son and Spirit in the Christian community that can most effectively purify and heal our prayer of “illusion” and individualistic self-centeredness. For Trinitarian prayer calls us away from inauthentic “faith” seeking private security, to outgoing self-giving in sharing Christ’s and the Church’s saving mission of loving service.
 “This is how all will know you for my disciples: your love for one another” (Jn 13:35) shown in the service of each “one of my least brothers” (Mt 25:40).

196.     Christian prayer, then, is no childish projection of a “father-idol” or a “Baby Jesus” serving as escape images from the pain of growth and love in the real world. Secular psychology’s objection actually touches the abuse of religious faith rather than its authentic reality. Genuine Christian prayer and hope are based, rather, on mature personal realization of God’s PRESENCE, and our consequent gratitude, thanksgiving, adoration and love of Him.

197.     Trinitarian prayer draws the Catholic Filipino, by the indwelling Holy Spirit, into sharing Christ’s own experience of Abba, Father, whose “will be done on earth as in heaven” (Lord’s Prayer). Being rooted in the Church’s worship of Father, Son and Spirit, the Catholic Filipino is motivated to the greatest social responsibility, inspired by the Trinity’s infinite interpersonal, creative, and redeeming love. Filled with this Love, Catholics together in the liturgy respond with a resounding “Amen!” to the finale of all the Eucharistic Prayers:

Through him [Risen Incarnate Son], with him and in him,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours, Almighty Father,
for ever and ever.

198.     Trinitarian prayer can also help Filipino Catholics in the “inter-religious dialogue” discussed in PCP II. While the Plenary Council focused on the principles for the evangelizing mission to Filipino Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, etc, (cf. PCP II 110-15), it implied the larger mission extending to all our fellow Asians who follow the great traditional religious cultures of the East.
       Commitment to Christ, the Incarnate Word of God, grounds the Christian dialogue with both Muslim and Jew who also revere God’s Word. The Buddhist goal is release from all human desires into the silent stillness of Nirvana. This relates to the Christian worship of the Father, whom “no one has ever seen” (Jn 1:18) and whom Christian mystics have experienced as “nothing, nothing, nothing. . .” of our worldly consciousness. Finally, Advaitan Hinduism can be approached through the Christian experience of the Holy Spirit, the source of oneness between the self and God who draws all men to greater communion in love.


199.     Besides the obstacles to authentic faith’s three basic objective dimensions (what we believe, do and worship), others touch the subjective factors (how we believe, do and worship) in our natural process of maturing in the Faith. Worthy of note is the common misconception among many Filipino youth that “questioning in matters of faith” is sinful. This arises from a false view, commonly instilled by good-intentioned but erroneous religious instruction, that faith is something to be simply “accepted” from higher authorities. In actual practice, since this view is most often imbibed in childhood, it later becomes an easy excuse for not taking personal responsibility for one’s own religious convictions.


200.     What helps the most here is our on-going initiation into the Christian Faith involving the active participation of family, friends, BCCs, parish, Catholic community, etc. Christ and the Church call us to intelligent discipleship, in which we use all our faculties of mind, will, imagination and affections.
       We must clearly distinguish between two different mind-sets. The first is honest questioning that seeks through personal study, reflection and dialogue, to know our Lord better so we can love Him more ardently and follow Him more closely. The second is a self-centered attitude of real doubting, when, like doubting Thomas, we put prior conditions to believing in God (“I will not believe it unless . . . [Jn 20:25]).

201. Our life of faith challenges us to constant growth in religious understanding, moral vision and practice, and authentic prayer. This is made possible for us when we are strengthened and confirmed by our fellow Catholics united in the local Church, Christ’s own community of disciples.



202.     The Exposition has shown that challenges to authentic faith can arise from any of its three basic objective dimensions of doctrine, morals and worship. The obstacles touch Faith precisely as lived out in our particular personal and social environment. We are Filipinos of the 20th century, living in a specific economic, political, social, cultural, and religious context. The challenges to authentic faith for us take on very definite “faces.” It is in courageously confronting these together in our Christian communities that we respond to the loving call of Christ our Lord.

203.     If we do not “believe” basic Catholic doctrine we certainly will not be motivated to obey fundamental Catholic moral principles, nor participate meaningfully in Catholic worship. Whether because of pride, distrust, or indifferent negligence, we will not commit ourselves to the service of others for Christ’s sake, nor be concerned for authentic worship of the living God revealed by Jesus Christ. Thus, rejecting belief in God, Christ and the Church involves many evil consequences for individuals, families, and the community at large.

204.     So we ask God to “help for our lack of faith” as the only means of coming gradually to the “truth” of ourselves, of others, and of God, in our thoughts, our moral acts, and our prayer. Only in Christ and the Spirit can we perseveringly respond to the challenges of “life in Christ” today.



205.   Does everybody have faith?
       Everyone has natural faith, believing in something or someone.
       Believing in God is God’s gift which He offers to everyone in different ways. God “wants all men to be saved and come to know the truth” (1 Tim 2:4).
       But experience shows we can misuse our human freedom and reject God’s offer, or turn away from God through sin.

206.   What challenges confront our life of faith in Christ?
       Our life of faith in Christ is challenged by
   our own pride and sinful self-centeredness;
   the poverty, suffering and injustice of so many, contrasted with the indifference and bad example of others;
   religious ignorance, misrepresentation of the Gospel, one-sided practices, and
   atheistic doctrines and consumerist attitudes and values pervading our environment.

207.   How is faith hindered by one-sided practices?
       Exaggerated stress on one dimension of the Faith tends to misrepresent that very dimension and ignore the others.
       If Faith is reduced to only:
   doctrine, an insensitive prayerless dogmatism, out of touch with real life, often results;
   an activist thrust for justice, faith can become an ideological, unjust pursuit of one’s own ends;
   prayers, devotions, and church-going, faith becomes a substitute for real practical Christian charity.

208.   Who are today’s “unbelievers”?
       “Unbelievers” today are:
   either “practical atheists” so intent on acquiring riches, reputation or power that they have no time for God;
   or others who claim special knowledge and power from God, beyond the ordinary.
Neither represent authentic Christian Faith in Jesus Christ.

209.   How can we respond to doctrinal unbelief?
       We need a renewed catechesis in the truth of the Christ-centered Gospel, calling us to respond in Christian service of our neighbor and authentic worship of our loving Father in Spirit and truth, in the Christian community.

210.   How can we respond to the unbelief of “NOT doing”?
       A “renewed social apostolate” shows the essential human value of following Christ today in concrete service of the poor and oppressed that leads toward social transformation.

211.   How can we respond to the unbelief of “NO worship”?
       PCP II’s call for a “renewed worship” means helping all Filipino Catholics to truly understand Christian worship of God our Father, through Christ His Son-made-man, in their Holy Spirit.
       It means learning to integrate our personal “popular religiosity” with the Church’s liturgical worship. This is achieved only if we worship God in faith, by relating personally to Jesus Christ as members of His Body, the Church, and not merely going through some external rituals.

212.   What helps us respond to the challenges of faith?
       We can respond adequately to the challenges of faith only through the Holy Spirit, working within us; through our family and friends, and through the Church’s teaching and its sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

213.   How do we grow in faith?
       We grow in our Catholic faith by deepening our understanding of Christ’s saving message (believing), by “doing” the truth in Christian service, and by “celebrating” in authentic prayer and sacramental worship through Christ in the Holy Spirit.

214.   How can we help those who sincerely doubt and question Christian faith?
       We can help those who doubt about faith by:
   clarifying the very act of believing, through common examples drawn from their own interpersonal relations in family life and friendships;
   explaining the chief truths of our faith (the Creed) and how they are lived in Christian moral values and sacramental worship; and
   showing them how the Christian Faith grounds and develops basic Filipino cultural values, both personal and social.

215.   Does Christian Faith change?
       The basic truths of Christian Faith remain but as living and vital, not static and dead. As living, authentic Faith is constantly led by the Spirit to respond to the new challenges in the world, with new expressions and new emphases, precisely in order to remain faithful to the abiding truth of the Gospel.

Chapter 5

Catholic Doctrine:
Christ Our Truth

“If you live according to my teaching, you are truly my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
(Jn 8:31-32)

“This is the Christ we proclaim, while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ.”
(Col 1:28)



216.     Christian Faith is centered on Jesus Christ, who is himself “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (Jn 14:6). As the Truth, Christ is the “real light which gives light to every man coming into the world” (Jn 1:9). He reveals the Father (cf. Jn 14:6) and sends the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth (cf. Jn 14:17) who guides us to all truth (cf. Jn 16:13). Through Christ we become “consecrated in truth” (cf. Jn 17:19), walk in the path of truth (cf. 2 Jn 4), act in truth (cf. Jn 3:21), share in the work of truth (cf. 3 Jn 8) and worship in Spirit and truth (cf. Jn 4:24).

217.     Catholic doctrine expresses the truth that Christ our Lord brings us. This truth does not resolve all the problems and riddles of our daily lives. It does not take the place of our planning what we should do, or sharing our experiences with others, and learning from them. But, as Christians who are open to Christ’s truth in faith, we have a direction and a basic insight into life. We are better able to work out our own pesonal response to the basic human questions: “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “How am I to relate to others?”. . . Christ’s truth gives each person “the strength to measure up to his supreme destiny” (GS 10).



218.     There is a real challenge today for the Catholic Filipino. From all sides questions are being asked about the Catholic Faith that up to fairly recently was accepted by most Filipinos. “Why do you worship the Blessed Virgin Mary?” Catholics are asked. “Why do you collect statues of Sto. Niño?” “Why confess to a priest?” “Is Jesus really divine?” “Why interfere in politics and take part in demonstrations and strikes in business affairs?”. . .

219.     The need to understand the practice of the Catholic Faith, then, has become suddenly urgent. In the First Letter of Peter we are admonished: “Should anyone ask you the reason for this hope of yours, be ever ready to reply, but speak gently and respectfully” (1 Pt 3:15-16a). No longer is it enough for a Catholic to say: “I don’t know why, but that’s just the way we do it here.” Moreover, knowing “why” we Catholics practice our Catholic Faith in this way obviously does not come from memorizing prepared formulas. Rather, it means growing and maturing in our personal faith in Christ our Lord, within his Body, the Catholic community.



220. The truth that Christ brings us is both a gift of God and a task. As gift, Christ’s truth is both life-giving and liberating. “If the Son frees you, you will really be free” (Jn 8:36). At the same time, it is an ongoing task of 1) discerning the truth, and 2) professing it with courage. Moreover we have to gradually learn to “distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of deception” (1 Jn 4:6). “The natural man does not accept what is taught by the Spirit of God. . . . The spiritual man, on the other hand, can appraise everything” (1 Cor 2:14-15). Once recognized, we must “profess the truth in love and grow to the full maturity of Christ the head” (Eph 4:15).

221.     Catholic doctrine brings us the truth of Christ. It is this truth which grounds our moral behavior and our prayer/worship. First, regarding morality, we know we are committed to the truth when we keep God’s commandments. “His commandment is this: we are to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ and are to love one another as He commanded us” (1 Jn 3:23). “Faith that does nothing in practice is thoroughly lifeless” (Jas 2:17). Second, as Catholics we “must worship in Spirit and truth” (Jn 4:24). True worship is offered only through Christ, for “no one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, ever at the Father’s side, who has revealed Him” (Jn 1:18).

222.     For the Filipino Catholic, therefore, to believe in Christ means acting, feeling, hoping, trusting, loving, praying __ all supported and inspired by one basic conviction: “God is one. One also is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all” (1 Tm 2:5-6). Or more simply: “Jesus is Lord” (1 Cor 12:3). “And no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 12:3). Faith in Christ, then, is essentially Trinitarian. Thus PCP II concludes:

We must return to Christ, center our life of discipleship wholly in Him, become a community after the image of the Divine Trinity itself __ that we may become truly His people (PCP II 660).

I. History of the Creeds

223.     It is at our Baptism that we first received the rule of Faith, the Creed. “Creed,” from the Latin “Credo” which means “I believe,” presents the essential truths of the Christian Faith. The two principal Catholic Creeds, presented side-by-side in the Vatican’s Catechism of the Catholic Church, are: 1) the Apostles’ Creed, recited at Sunday Mass in the Philippines, which is an elaboration of the early “Roman Creed” of the third century; and 2) the Nicene Creed, which was promulgated by the First Council of Constantinople in 381. It “confirmed the faith of Nicea,” the first Ecumenical Council held in 325 (cf. CCC 185,194-96). These Creeds were created and handed down through Catholic Tradition by the Magisterium, the teaching Church. Through them we touch the living core of the Christian proclamation.

A.   Biblical Creeds

224. Most Filipino Catholics receive the Creed in infant baptism through our parents. In adult baptism we can receive it personally. The Catholic Creeds have had a long history in Scripture and Tradition. First there are the Biblical Creeds or professions of faith from the Old Testament times. “Indeed the Lord will be there with us, majestic; yes, the Lord our judge, the Lord our lawgiver, the Lord our king, He it is who will save us” (Is 33:22). “The Lord is God and there is no other” (Dt 4: 35).
       In the New Testament, the early proclamations of faith centered on the Risen Christ: “The God of our fathers has raised up Jesus whom you put to death, hanging him on a tree. He whom God has exalted at His right hand as ruler and savior is to bring repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins” (Acts 5:30-31).

B.    Liturgical and Catechetical Creeds

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